Thursday, October 31, 2013


So I say to Graf and Levi, "Show me your sweet Spiderman moves..." (notice the peace sign on Graf's fingers!).  Hilarious!
We had to rounds of Halloween--Trunk or Treat and Halloween night.  Apparently the family Plants vs. Zombies (a popular I-pad game) wasn't good enough for Graf as he switched to Spiderman.  I don't know, the creepy little zombie balloon boy is pretty great!  As long as the pea shooter and the sunflower don't blow him away!

Mason is Ammon--notice the arms sticking out of his pouch--gross!
First day of preschool!  Graf made these sweet goggles with Ms. Jamie Freckleton.

"This is called agent gun...this is called agent glasses...this is called agent closing your eyes..." ahahahah!

Lagoon in UT with Uncle Bry, Declan, Case, and Zoey.

GO BLUE!  Visiting Dad's Wolverines.  Graf was born after Michigan, but Cory is determined to indoctrinate.

See this innocent face??!!  Here are some funny, not so innocent stories.
1.  One day at the bar he told me that he doesn't want to sit by Ryan.  Of course that makes Ryan very disgruntled and confused as there had been no tension whatsoever.  "That's rude!" she says.  After being question as to what his motives might be, he simply said, "It's complicated!" ...I think Ryan is reaping what she sowed there with those big words ;)

2.  He says to Lorin, "She's coming!!  Wewax Wowin!!"  Then later he defends her by telling me to "stop yapping at Lorin because she's a good sister!"

3.  Telling me "good job Mom" when I speed by Dad in the car.

So Graf says to me while holding a captured caterpillar..."Hey mom! I like frogs and caterpillars because them nice animals..." moments later he's saying owie! because that dang thing stung him!!  lol!
What little boys are made of!

Being part of the apple-sauce making assembly line is a fave!  Graf particularly likes the cutting of the apples part...with a very dull, small knife ;)
Graf has decided, after cousin Caleb has come a few times, that he wants a mohawk.  He has even been known to spend quite a while in front of the mirror with the blow dryer in hand trying to give himself one...
He's crying because his hair got messed up!!  Some good black-mail coming his way!

We love having Levi and Caleb close.  Hey!  I just noticed Caleb making sure his mohawk is just right....awesome! 

I got a kick out of Graf trying to help me figure out what he was talking about one day.  He said something about McDonald's and I was trying to decided what he was asking for.  He finally said "like this...with moo moo here and moo moo there..."  Aha!  He doesn't want a hamburger, he wants me to turn on the fun Old McDonald song!

At the apple orchard with our good friends Leah and Kira Kay

Oh the fun we had stuffing balls!

Graf was DETERMINED to have a backpack heading into preschool.  I thought for sure he would pick the Cars one or the Batman one...made his daddy proud picking this sic green and black skull one with matching headphones!

The headphones are fitting as Graf loves music!  In the car he has to show me often how his feet are dancing whenever the music is on.  He just can't keep them still!!!

How did those girls stand to look cool?

Uhuh!!  Got it!

We got to ride a canal barge with the Bairds.  A donkey pulled us and we went through actual water locks to get up the canal.

First day of school for the girls.  There Graf is on the right.

After school celebration time!!

A loved daddy!

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